Click the arrow next to Reject Change/Delete Comment, and then click Delete All Comments in Document. To remove all comments, you must delete them. If you know that you want to reject all the changes, click the arrow next to Reject Change/Delete Comment, and then click Reject All Changes in Document.

If you know that you want to accept all the changes, click the arrow next to Accept Change, and then click Accept All Changes in Document. I then went looking on the Internet and found a Microsoft web site that speaks to this issue. I immediately went back to my desk, opened the document, ensured that ‘accept all changes’ had been done, re-saved the document and emailed it again… only to see that a red-lined version was again open on her desktop. I looked at her screen and indeed - what was displaying was the ‘tracked changes’ version. She said to me: “Why did you send me a version still showing all the tracked changes? I thought you were sending out a clean copy?” saved it… and sent the ‘clean copy’ to my collaborating colleagues - one of which was just down the hall. Just the other day I finished collaborating on a Word document… accepted all changes….

By way of further security, we can use a metadata removal tool (such as Payne Consulting’s Metadata Assistant) or by converting the Word document to a PDF. Speaking for myself, the way that I usually do this is by clicking on ‘accept all changes’ – and then saving the document – thinking that this turned off track changes and revered the document to an ordinary Word document. Once that process is over, the typical next step is to agree to the changes in the document to produce a non-red-lined version ( or ‘clean copy’) as it is known. Most of us use “Track Changes” in Microsoft Word when working on a document to note the changes/additions/deletions done by others. Lawyers today are concerned about metadata and not transmitting same to another lawyer or their own client when they electronically send a document. Lyrics by Francis Scott Key (who was a lawyer), music by John Stafford Smith.

♫ Oh say can you see by the dawn’s early light…♫