Evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia
Evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia

Hackett, Joshua, Attleborough, Warks., chairmaker and turner (1835). Hackett, John, Gt Bridge, West Bromwich, Staffs., cm and u (1830). Named in the Holkham Hall, Norfolk accounts in 1743, receiving £18 for making two beds. Supplied furniture to Denton Park, Yorks., c.1775, totalling £9. Hacker, -, address unrecorded, cm ( c.1775). Hack, William, Baxtergate, Loughborough, Leics., joiner/cm (1822). Hack, R, 17 South Audley St, London, cm and u (1839). Hacche, John, South St, South Molton, Devon, u and cm (1838).

evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia

Probably the Habgood, or Hopgood, carver, gilder and frame maker, named in the Longford Castle, Wilts, accounts in 1799 being paid £15 10s 6d in 1800, £14 18s in 1803, £9 15s in 1804, £10 10s ‘for frames’ and in 1808, £39 1s 6d.

evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia

Declared bankrupt, in partnership with Edward Stephens at Gt Portland St, Gents Mag., May 1783 and alone, at Dufour's Pl., St James's, Westminster, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 14 November 1796. Habgood, William, London, carver, gilder and frame maker (1783–1808). Habgood, Henry, Wimborne, Dorset, u and cm (1840).

evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia

Habever, Martin, 17 Seymour Pl., Bryanston Sq., London, cm, u and chairmaker (1827–28). Habever, Martin, 4 Horseferry Rd, London, buhl manufacturer (1827–28). to Joseph Wilkinson, joiner and cm, 13 January 1752 to. Habbot, James, Chester, joiner and cm (1752–55).

Evans and hassall 418 arch street philadelphia