Well there is a way around that because all of the data is stored client-side.
COD4 Modern Warfare Keygen, Level 55 Hack- unlock all guns.Call of Duty 4 makes you unlock weapons, weapon attachments and mods, camouflage, and challenges. Burn a PS2 Game (From Torrent) To DVD Using Nero. Play Need For Speed Underground 2 LAN Online For Free Using Tunngle (Yes, and Hamachi Too). Boot Games Off USB (External Hard Drive) With Playstation 2 (PS2). Play Soldier of Fortune on Windows 7 64-bit Tutorial. Call of Duty - Black Ops "Cracks" And Zombie Fix. Watch it in HD at youtube.Īlso, to play COD4 in a window, add this to the shortcut: +r_fullscreen “0” Note: if you are using a 64 bit OS, the registry path for the cdkey is as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Activision -> Call of Duty 4 Otherwise XP will save it as a default txt(I think) format. Note: if you’re using Windows XP, when choosing to save the mpdata file, make sure you put quotation marks -> “mpdata” as the file name. There you go, you now have everything unlocked. IMPORTANT: you MUST join a server after the above step, stay in it for a couple of minutes so that the new cdkey will be encrypted onto your profile. Finally, in the game go to Options -> Multiplayer Options -> Key Code and type your original cd key you have saved in notepad. You should now be level 55 with all challenges, guns, and every camouflage unlocked! Open the COD4 MP game and check your rank. Place the mpdata file you downloaded in your user name folder. Back-up and then remove all the files in your user name folder.
Navigate to your Call of Duty 4 profile folder (typically “C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare\players\profiles\your_user_name”).
Replace the key with: DL2J8PY44Q22GE4888D2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Activision -> Call of Duty 4. Go to Start -> Run-> Type regedit -> Hit Enter. To unlock all weapons for Call of Duty 4 multiplayer so that you don’t have to level up follow these easy instructions. “Call of Duty 4 makes you unlock weapons, weapon attachments and mods, camouflage, and challenges. If you cannot accept the fact that this hack work,s then you need to re-evaluate your own method.
All you non-believers, watch the video and cleanse your eyes. Due to Underground proactiveness, Chyea has re-done the video tutorial to lay down the hellfire that this hack does work.